Monday, August 26, 2013

August 2013 updates

August 2013

It has been an eventful summer! Read about all the activities the Lord has blessed us with.

Alumni Reunion

In June of this year, we welcomed many of our former students back to Colegio Ganley for an alumni reunion. About forty students, roughly half of all our graduates, showed up for the event. It was a joyous time of fellowship for us as well as the kids, many of whom go to different secondary schools and don’t see each other often.

We spent the evening playing games (even musical chairs!), eating (of course!) and reminiscing. Students stood up and talked about what their years at Colegio Ganley had meant to them. They also shared with one another what they were doing currently and what schools they were going to. At that time, the alumni students were in grades 7-10.

We ended the evening playing soccer. As the reunion was coming to an end, many kids complained, “We don’t want to go home!” and asked to do reunions more often. We pray this was the first reunion of many!


On June 29 we held ceremonies for our fifth graduating class from Colegio Ganley. Eleven students graduated from elementary school and are poised to go to junior high with an excellent foundation of education and, most importantly, Jesus Christ.

Students and parents enjoyed an evening graduation in our multi-purpose room on the third story. The color guard handed off the flag to next year’s sixth graders in preparation for being the leaders of the school. The school principal, Maestra Anita, gave a speech, as did two students. The graduating class performed a worship dance to end the ceremony. The evening closed out with a nice dinner for students and guests. What a blessing to celebrate all the hard work of these students over the years! God has been so faithful to these little ones and their families.

Summer Mission Trip

In July Gilbert took several students on a mission trip to a southern area of Mexico. While there, we worked with and supported a missionary couple who are reaching out to indigenous people with the Gospel.

Gilbert and the kids experienced a wet week! It rained every day and they had nighttime adventures in a leaky tent! Thankfully, we were able to stay in the missionaries’ home the rest of the week.

Some of the work we did involved reaching out the members of the local church the missionaries began. We showed the movie Faith like Potatoes to the people. The Ganley students presented a puppet show which had the people there laughing and singing along to praise songs. Our group also cleaned trash and brush around the church to help clear our areas where snakes sometimes live and hide.

It is truly a blessing to be used by God to BLESS others!

Beginning of a new school year

The 2013-2014 school year began on Monday, August 19. Praise God for our ninth school year! What a marvelous work He has done! This year we have an enrollment of 127. This is our largest student body so far. Pray for God’s hand to be on all students, teachers, and families this school year.